Tunisia Coinage: 2017-2018
under President Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi
Currency: Tunisian Dinar (TND) = 1000 milim (millimes).
2017 - AH1438

KM#306.2 10 millim. Year: 2017 - AH1438. Weight: 3.00g [3.00g]. Metal: Brass. Diameter: 19.00 mm. Edge: Reeded. Alignment: Coin. Mint: N/A. Obverse: "البنك المركزي التونسي" (Central Bank of Tunisia) in Arabic and Dates within center circle, surrounded by design. Reverse: Numeral "10" value with "عشرة مليمات" (Ten Millim) in the center, surrounded by design. Mintage: N/A. Minted Years: 2009-AH1430, 2011-AH1432, 2013-AH1434 and 2017-AH138.

KM#307.2 20 millim. Year: 2017 - AH1438. Weight: 4.10g [4.10g]. Metal: Brass plated Steel. Diameter: 22.00 mm. Edge: Reeded. Alignment: Coin. Mint: N/A. Obverse: "البنك المركزي التونسي" (Central Bank of Tunisia) in Arabic and Dates within center circle, surrounded by design. Reverse: Numeral "20" value with "عشرون مليما" (Twenty Millim) in the center, surrounded by design. Mintage: N/A. Minted Years: 2007-AH1428, 2009-AH1430, 2011-AH1432, 2013-AH1434 and 2017-AH138.

KM#308.2 50 millim. Year: 2017 - AH1438. Weight: 5.45g [5.45g]. Metal: Brass plated Steel. Diameter: 25.00 mm. Edge: Reeded. Alignment: Coin. Mint: N/A. Obverse: "البنك المركزي التونسي" (Central Bank of Tunisia) in Arabic and Dates within center circle, surrounded by design. Reverse: Numeral "50" value with "خمسين مليما" (Fifty Millim) in the center, surrounded by design. Mintage: N/A. Minted Years: 2013-AH1434 and 2017-AH138.
2018 - AH1439

KM#309 100 millim. Year: 2018 - AH1439. Weight: 7.43g [7.50g]. Metal: Brass. Diameter: 27.00 mm. Edge: Reeded. Alignment: Coin. Mint: N/A. Obverse: "البنك المركزي التونسي" (Central Bank of Tunisia) in Arabic and Dates within center circle, surrounded by design. Reverse: Numeral "100" value with "مائة ميليم" (Hundred Millim) in the center, surrounded by design. Mintage: N/A. Minted Years: 1960-AH1380, 1983-AH1403, 1993-AH1414, 1996-AH1416, 1997-AH1418, 2000-AH1421, 2005-AH1426, 2008-AH1429, 2011-AH1432, 2013-AH1434 and 2018-AH1439.
Coinage of Tunisia are listed under below links:
Countries / Territories
Chiefa Coins