AOK is known as Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse - Die Gesundheitskasse (The health cash register).

It is a general plotted health insurance company. Although it's website is in German, it can be viewed at According to it's website it deals with health knowledge, hospital navigator, On-line doctor, Ärzte and drugstores, health and precaution, programs for chronic sick person, fitness and wellness, food and drinking, partnership and sexuality, family program, counselor's forums and much more. It contains compulsory health insurance scheme for different regions / states of Germany.
For more than 100 years the compulsory health insurance scheme than the biggest health insurance stands in Germany for security and comprehensive medical care in the case of illness. The compulsory health insurance scheme looks after for more than 25 million people - almost one third of the population in Germany. About 61,000 employees including female employees guarantee a highly competitive service in more than 1,700 agencies. With about 37 percent of share of the market the compulsory health insurance scheme is a market leader in the legal health insurance. This compulsory health insurance scheme is more than ones health insurance as it sets up a comprehensive health management for the insured person or through a company.
The compulsory health insurance scheme-federal federation represents the interests of the compulsory health insurance scheme community as a roof organization. It is a body of the public right. Today the compulsory health insurance scheme-federal federation enters and in future for a comprehensive care with full achievements. It promotes these purposes by sociopolitical conviction work with parliament, government as well as the federations and institutions of the health service. Seat of the compulsory health insurance scheme-federal federation is at Bonn.
Immediately and unbureaucratic our experts answer your questions related to health and health insurance within 24 hours. In addition, at any time high-quality data banks, topical news and medical encyclopedias are ready, if you call and like to find out yourselves. In short they are available for your personal inquiries with pleasure.
My 1995 26.7g .999Ag Taler coin, has the inscription in German, "Trimm-Trab ins Grüne und Lauf. Aktionen des DSB und DLV mit der AOK die Gesundheitskasse", which means "Trim-trot into the green and course encounter. Actions of the DSB and DLV with the AOK of the health cash register." I have seen these sporting and health insurance silver coins with AOK logo from late 1970s and early 1980s often sold on Ebay and having similar German sporting slogans. 
Chiefa Coins