Īle Saint-Paul
Īle Saint-Paul (St. Paul Island) is a very small island forming part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (France) in the Indian Ocean. It is about 85 kilometres (53 miles) south of the larger īle Amsterdam, located at 38°43'19?S, 77°31'44?E. It is a rocky and uninhabited island measuring no more than five km (three miles) at its greatest width and is completely devoid of trees. A scientific research cabin on the island is used for scientific or ecological short campaigns, but there is no permanent population.
Īle Saint-Paul is one of three islands which is an antipode of the United States. It correspondes to Firstview, Colorado. The other two antipodes are īle Amsterdam and Kerguelen Island.
There is speculation that officers from the German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis hid treasure near the entrance of the bay during World War II.
As usual Mr. Fred Richard Zinkann has produced pattern / trial coins on the name of Īle St. Paul in various metals. The text written on it shows "Bravez La Tempetei". Below are their details with mintage. 
Metal Mintage Year Weight Edge
Copper-Nickel (CuNi) 50 2005 N/A Plain
Hafnium (Hf) 10 2005 6.90g Plain
Pewter (Tin) 25 2005 4.64g Plain
Silver (Ag) 25 2005 6.45g Plain

I got my 5 Euros Flying Rooster 25mm diameter with 2mm thickness coins in Pewter and Silver from Elizabeth Anne Zinkann (ezinkann@comcast.net).
Chiefa Coins