
Federal Republic of Padania /
Repubblica del Nord (both refer to the same separatist
political party in Italy, also known as Lega Nord/Northern League):
New flag adopted on 03rd October 2001. The
Alternate Flag represent the so-called "Bandiera Storica della
Nazione Padana" (The Historical Flag of Padania Nation). It derives
from the graphic fusion of St.George flag, the flag of
"Resurrection", that has a very important use in Padan heraldry,
and "Sole delle Alpi" (Sun of the Alps), the symbol of the
Celtic heritage of this land.The flag is now used by the associations that
support the idea of cultural, ethnic, socio-political and linguistical independence
of Padania (La Libera Compagnia Padana, Ass.ne Cult.Terra Insubre, etc.) and
by Lega Nord.
The Northern League, a federalist/separatist political
party in Italy, emerged from a plethora of provincial formations that
cropped up in the northerly heartlands. The first of these home-grown,
grass-roots movements was the Liga Veneta (Venetian League), which had its
origins in 1979. The following year, the Unione Nord Occidentale Lombarda
per l’Autonomia (Unolpa) was founded by Umberto Bossi. In 1982, this leader
also founded one of Lega Nord's precursors, the Lega Autonomista Lombarda,
which grew from the ashes of Unolpa. Almost immediately, communication and
collaboration between him and the other small-town, autonomist movements
began. On April 12, 1984 he formed the Lega Lombarda, in Varese. Also that
year, the first true embryonic version of Lega Nord, the Unione per l'Europa
Federalista, was pieced together. Apart from demanding greater autonomy from
the clutches of Rome's centralized apparatus (and its endemic corruption),
all of the individual Leagues sought to protect their diverse cultural
backgrounds and to preserve their unique ethno-regional dialects/linguistic
identities. The wealthy “nazioni” of the north also wanted to disassociate
themselves from the less opulent south, in order to safeguard their vital
economic interests against their being drained away in perpetuity by
State-run enterprises/industries. Amidst these divisive considerations, a
quasi-national character was beginning to crystallize; unification of the
entire macro-region and its incoherent hodgepodge of local Leagues
eventually took shape. This nascent alliance of town-based Leagues, started
by Bossi in 1990, was known as the Republic of the North. Its name was
subsequently changed to Lega Nord, which was constituted in 1991, also under
the guidance of Bossi.
Bossi has since held several higher offices, including Senator and Speaker
of the lower house of Parliament (Chamber of Deputies). On May 20, 1990 the
first modern Giuramento di Pontida (Oath of Pontida), emulating the one
which took place in 1167 and which united the free Italian communes against
Barbarossa, was performed. 8,000 fiercely loyal participants, in an
unprecedented show of support for the precise direction he was providing for
them, swore fealty to Bossi's project. The triumph of a confederation of 16
small-scale Lombard and Venetian cities from the Middle Ages served as a
requisite precedent which inspired the Lega in their own current struggle to
fulfill their sacred destiny. As their protest gained steam, many supporters
and activists looked back even further into the past; rediscovering their
hypothetical roots in ancient/ancestral times, they availed themselves of
Celtic themes and anachronistic symbolism, carving out a new identity for
themselves as Celto-Lombards. They embraced these persuasive historical
myths, which fostered a sense of pan-northern identity.
The birth of the Lega Nord was on February 10th 1991, when its first Federal
Congress met at Pieve Emanuele (near Milan); there, a cohesive federation
was officialy fashioned between Lombardia, Veneto, Piedmont, Liguria,
Emilia-Romagna, and Tuscany. The new umbrella organization was later joined
by Valle d'Aosta, Trentino-Sudtirolo/Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia,
Umbria, and Marche. On June 16, 1991 another celebration took place in the
meadows of Pontida; this time there were over 25,000 attendants. On
September 13-15 of 1996, Bossi led a rally of over 2 million Padanians to
cluster along Venice's River Po (Padus is its Latin name, and Padania is the
valley around this river) in order to celebrate the Declaration of
Independence and Sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Padania. A
provisional Constitution was also approved and adopted. It was hoped that
this unitary milestone would lead towards statehood and self-determination.
By this time, their own separatist-minded Parliament had been installed in
Mantua, and a Guardia Nazionale Padana had been established. Bossi's
Northern League achieved a degree of electoral success and became a
political force to be reckoned with; they were, at one point, the largest
party in the North. They even served briefly in the coalition government of
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, and tried to formulate a more focused,
detailed, and well-defined programme. Bossi's vociferous vision was that
Italy would inevitably divide peacefully along Czechoslovakian lines. But in
the years since, dwindling support for nationalism and major internal
divisions further fractured and diluted the group's once radical and
extremist aims; their bellicose tone and rough rhetoric have softened
somewhat. Separatism is now considered to be wholly impractical by the
voting public, and they opt to remain within the existing Italian framework.
The party is still active, but they've de-emphasized their call for
sovereignty in favor of more moderate and pragmatic goals.
A fantastic chronology, in Italiano, of Lega Nord/Padania can be viewed at:
An immense catalog of Padanian coins, complete with images (banknotes and
stamps to boot), has been put together by ASCOLPA (Associazione
Collezionisti Padani, the organization which produces all the authentic
Padanian collectibles); it is available to viewers at:
http://xoomer.virgilio.it/pmarcello/ascolpa/ascolpdn/cataloghi/silvercoincat.htm |
1 Lega and 5 Leghe 1992 coins have double thickness with
different legend on the reverse side of the coin containing the word "PIEMONTE". |
A silver medal type coin of Nord Lega - Nord Lombarda has also
been minted in 1994. |
Repubblica Federale di Padania
1997 coin. |
I purchased my Repubblica del Nord (Venetian
Nation) 1992 dated coins 1,2,5 & 10 Leghe plus 10 Leghe (Repubblica Federale di Padania)
1997 - Alberto da Giussano from Alejandro Guelfand (worldauctions2000@yahoo.com).
The double thickness 1 Lega and 5 Leghe coins were purchase through Oded
Paz. |
Federal Republic of Padania (Europa Federale dei
Popoli) coins of 2002 Ascolpa 1 Euro are available in copper, silver and
gold. I have in my collection the copper and silver coins.
Euro 2002 Associazione Collezionisaci Padani in Silver (925/1000) coin have a
mintage of 100 pieces, while copper have a mintage of 500 pieces. I purchased
these coins from
Avino Alfonso (alfonso.avino@fastwebnet.it).
The 1 Euro gold (750/1000) coin also exists. |
Europa Federale dei Popoli 2003 bi-metal
(Bronze -Copper Nickel) 1 and 2
Euro coins also came from
Avino Alfonso. The 2003
coin of 1 Euro = 1936.27 Lira features a soldier with sword having 28.5 mm
diameter and weights 10 grams while the 2 Euro = 3872.54 Lira features their
flag having 26 mm diameter and weights 8 grams. |
Other coins
of this region are 20 Leghe 1992 Repubblica del Nord (Lombardia Autonomista),
50 Lighe 1992 26.5000g 0.9925Ag Nathion Veneta, 5 Lire 1993 Unione del Nord (Lega Lombarda), 5 Lire 1993 Lega Nord/Unione
del Nord (Liga Veneta) and 1 Scudo 1995 Repubblica di Cellatica (Lega
Lombarda). Piva Gianpietro of ASCOLPA (collezionistipadani@tiscali.it
or giapy@tiscalinet.it) can be
contacted for Nord Lega/Padania coins. For international collectors, the
e-mail address is
ascolpa_foreignservice@yahoo.it. In regards to the Cellatica coin, Mr.
Giuliani states that during that time, there were many problems between the
town hall and the people of this small Lombardian community: “the local Lega
Nord issued a parallel government called Republic of Cellatica, a lot of
persons didn't obey to the decisions of the mayor but followed the decisions
of this parallel government.” |
Micro-Nations |
Chiefa Coins |