Republic of Texas (based in
Overton, TX): They are a constitutional republic, whose current President is
Daniel A. Miller. The movement began in West Texas when the residents of
Jeff Davis County began a legal process in April of 1994 to regain the state
and secure its transition into a Republic. The inception of its Provisional
Government was on December 12/13, 1995, when delegates met in Bulverde (near
San Antonio) to elect its members; this was also when the final documents
which were meant to reinstate Texas as a Republic were filed with the
International Court of Justice, at the Hague. On the 27th of that month,
John C. VanKirk, standing on the steps of the state Capitol, proclaimed
Texas a neutral nation unto itself. According to the ROT, “In 1836, the
Republic of Texas separated from Mexico and became a separate nation.” This
lasted until 1845, when the ROT “was supposedly brought into the union by a
joint resolution of the United States Congress. Then in 1861, the Republic
of Texas decided to annul that agreement, and left the United States to
resume its former status as a sovereign nation.” They formed an alliance
with the Confederate States, without actually becoming one. In 1865, after
the Civil War, “The United States invaded the Republic of Texas, conquering
it with military force, and holding it as a captive nation.” The ROT's
patriotic adherents believe the annexation of Texas in 1845 was illegal and
invalid, therefore they do not recognize Texas statehood. The Republic
“never died — it was just covered up with a blanket called the State of
Texas for a century and a half.” Their modern mission, in spite of the fact
that in April of 1996 a U.S. District Judge ruled that the ROT was an
unincorporated company/business and not a sovereign nation, is “to restore
freedom and liberty to Texas” by attempting to “throw off that dusty blanket
and come back into the light”. In 1996, the group even addressed a letter to
“All Nations of the World” and to the U.N. General Assembly, notifying them
of its official flag, symbols, emblems, and military insignia. Also in
December of that year, they had sterling silver “Ranger” badges manufactured
for their “Defense Forces”. The items, which were made even though this was
prohibited by law, were never delivered; the group did not fully pay for
them, leaving the Austin jewelers — whose business had by then been
threatened with destruction — stuck with an inventory of 75 badges they
couldn't sell. To make matters worse for the ROT, at around the same time
their mail delivery was even cut off or “temporarily disrupted” by Postal
officials. |
For numerous months, the
Republic remained beset with internal bickering and chaos among its own
ranks. The leaders, though appearing to have the same earnest objectives,
had been driven apart by their own incompatible policies/activities into
separate, squabbling factions; conciliation, for the time being, was out of
the question. Depending on who tossed whom out of office, and who
fired/suspended/replaced whom in retaliation, at least 3 or 4 major rival
factions arose. The older “provisional government” was led by Archie Lowe
(who was the successor to VanKirk, who was dethroned in March of 1996, and
who'd been linked by federal authorities to the right-wing Freemen of
Montana). The newer “provisional government” was led by David Johnson (who
left the Lowe-McLaren faction in the fall of '96) and then Jesse Enloe.
There was also a “provisional government” led by Boyce Halbison (elected in
April of '97) and then by Steven Crear (appointed President in May of '97 by
McLaren). They all claimed to be the main arm of the movement. This split in
the leadership seemed to indicate that the ROT was beginning to
self-destruct. |
The organization also
weathered a mounting series of ongoing clashes with the judicial system.
In July of 1996, A State District Judge was forced to disband the
self-proclaimed Supreme Court of the ROT, issuing a permanent injunction
that forbade their 5 “justices” from making rulings and barred them from
passing themselves off as judges or a genuine court, or using any
purported seal of the state to give a realistic appearance to any of
their documents. In another legal quandary which took place that same
month, Attorney General Dan Morales instituted an action in the District
Court which resulted in his obtaining a temporary restraining order
against the group, prohibiting them from filing false liens against
public or private property. In October the courts also ordered the group
to rescind and recant letters sent to about 175 banks, which had
instructed them to transfer/reassign all monetary assets held by the
state, its agencies and political subdivisions, to the group. Apart from
trying to seize state bank accounts, they were making use of phony court
judgments, tampering with government records, interfering with property
sales and restraining trade. The Johnson faction did contend that
Richard Lance McLaren, their Chief Ambassador and Consul General, was
behind many of those offences. He and his accomplices from the Lowe
faction, “in a crazed and unintelligent move”, supposedly acted
unconstitutionally by entering into a conspiracy to create the “Republic
of Texas Trust”, which was done in secrecy, completely without the
knowledge of the Provisional Government. Once the ROT became aware of
this, they took several protective measures against their underhanded
doings and disassociated themselves from the culprits and their wrongful
acts. This ultimately led to the impeachment of McLaren and other
members of the council. McLaren and his conspirators were ultimately
accused of issuing more than $1.8 billion in bogus documents. “We're
going to do this thing 100 percent legal,” vowed Johnson, but some
individuals in his faction apparently were not squeaky-clean either;
they were also being investigated for possible banking law violations by
selling about 60 Republic banking charters, which were not recognized by
federal or state regulators, for $2,000 each. By January of 1997,
Governor George W. Bush and his Attorney General declared the issue an
“emergency”, which cleared the way for lawmakers to make it a high
priority and give it immediate attention, in the hopes of passing
legislation that would crack down on the group's filing of fraudulent
documents (which they described as “paper terrorism”). These types of
transgressions only exacerbated the political/philosophical differences
within the fractured ROT, making reunification in the foreseeable future
seem highly unlikely. |
The ROT is a true-blue
secessionist movement, and some of these anti-government separatists
have gone to vehement extremes to prove their seriousness about being a
fully independent country. In 1997, they again made headlines when a
“rogue faction” led by McLaren staged a week-long siege at his compound
deep in the Davis Mountains; this metal building in a resort development
was the “Embassy of the Republic of Texas, Office of Foreign Affairs”.
McLaren, who was wanted on a burglary charge (in August of 1995, he
helped a woman break into the house she, due to foreclosure, no longer
owned) and who was no stranger to the courthouse or the jailhouse, had
been entrenched there since December of '96 because a federal judge had
issued an arrest warrant against him after he refused to appear at civil
court hearings. On March 22, 1997, the self-styled commander had already
been expelled by several leaders of the original group for trying to
“usurp authority” and wanting to steer the group into a perilously
criminal direction. In the past, McLaren had been careful to insist that
the ROT was simply waging a paper war, but he now advocated an alignment
with militias and plotted a violent strategy to remove the federal
government from their Texan turf. Public officials and his fellow ROT
members had begun expressing concern that his dangerously risky rhetoric
could evolve into a shooting. It was largely for those reasons, as well
as the financial matters, that the ROT became so intensely divided.
Ousted, McLaren then formed his own breakaway clique, comprised of 12-20
militia members who swore allegiance to the wiry-haired McLaren and
continued to consider him the ROT's actual leader. They now found
themselves holed up in their “embassy” (this scene of the siege was sold
at auction to The Nature Conservancy of Texas in 1998). Their
insurrection occurred because two of their cohorts had been arrested by
law-enforcement officers. McLaren and his “Defense Forces” then took two
neighbors as hostages on April 27; the militant group was then
surrounded by police and Texas Rangers; one sheriff was even quoted
saying that he was prepared to take “extreme measures” to arrest the
wanted man. McLaren, who had renounced his U.S. citizenship, issued a
faxed press release in which they asserted that the arrests were a
“violation of international law.” He and his group demanded the release
of their two comrades and an unconditional statewide referendum for
voters to decide on the independence of Texas. “We are in a declared
state of war,” McLaren said during the uprising. “We have two prisoners
of war. They have two of ours.” McLaren had even ordered his loyalists
to begin picking up federal judges, legislators, and IRS agents — all
considered “foreigners” — for “immediate deportation” if they were found
on Texas soil. Officers negotiated with the furious group by telephone,
and after 12 hours McLaren agreed to release the hostages, one of whom
had been wounded during the assault by flying shards of glass, in
exchange for one of his jailed men. Despite having vowed to fight to the
death, McLaren ended the highly publicized revolt on May 3rd by signing
a cease-fire agreement and by turning himself over to police about five
hours after his wife had surrendered. Meanwhile, two of his camouflaged,
armed followers fled from the hideout into the juniper and pine slopes
that dotted the landscape of this remote area. A massive manhunt ensued,
and one of the fugitives was killed during an exchange of gunfire with
authorities. McLaren's imprisonment dampened his partisans' fervor, but
in a statement addressed to U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher,
they denounced McLaren's arrest as an “unlawful attack” on a Republic
citizen. Even after he began serving a 99-year state term for his role
in the kidnapping, in June of 1998 McLaren was sentenced to 12
additional years in federal prison on state and federal conspiracy/fraud
charges; he was also ordered to pay $426,000 in restitution to those he
defrauded. The sensible members of the legitimate and lawful ROT, who
“were misinformed and grossly led astray” by McLaren, even charged him
with high treason, sedition and five other offenses. McLaren and his
aggressively headstrong associates were but a “splinter cell” of the
Republic and did not represent the peaceful values and beliefs of the
Interim Government. In fact, the ROT disavowed all of the maverick's
latest actions. After the dust had settled, it was even disclosed that
there was a plot to assassinate, among other individuals, George W.
Bush. McLaren had tried to purchase machine guns and more powerful
weaponry such as an anti-aircraft missile to target the future
president's plane. In a related topic, 2 ROT members were convicted in
Oct. 1998 of sending threatening e-mails to top federal, state, local
employees and their families (including President Clinton, U.S. Attorney
General Janet Reno, and FBI Director Louis Freeh), but acquitted on
numerous other charges all related to an alleged plot to slay government
officials using cactus needles coated with a deadly biological toxin;
they'd planned to infect their unsuspecting victims by shooting the
poisoned, germ-tipped darts out of a modified cigarette lighter. |
Most of this information was
garnered from a fantastic Web-site:
http://personalwebs.myriad.net/steveb/rot.html. It contains a wealth
of articles from many sources, including The Associated Press, The
Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, and The Bryan-College
Station Eagle. |
Since the siege, and during
subsequent trials, the mainstream press has perhaps failed to present
the ROT case with balance and impartiality. “The Fort Davis standoff has
been very difficult for us to live down,” stated Miller, who was
unanimously elected President of their Interim Government in August of
2000 after the resignation of Lowe. Miller and other group leaders try
to distance their respective organizations from radical tactics and
McLaren. Both groups reiterated that McLaren had been stripped of his
authority. “It appears that Richard McLaren and those acting with him
have gone completely off the deep end,” one of them stated. They insist
the Republic of Texas in Overton is “kinder and gentler” and that its
citizens will work within the system to achieve their overall goals.
Under Miller's guidance, this wing of the ROT is making a successful
comeback. Even Overton Chief of Police Ed Williams states that the ROT
have basically been “good neighbors who have contributed to the
community”. According to Texan Arise — The Republic of Texas: Past,
Present and Future, a book written by President Miller and Vice
President Lauren L. Savage, by mid-2002, at least 2 of the disputing
factions set aside their ideological disagreements and joined together.
By mid-2003, a newly revitalized ROT “made an about-face”; they
successfully regrouped and began to reassess their means, their aims,
and their true intent. It became clear to them “that a fundamental
change in direction had to occur”; this included admitting that during
its first 8 years, the ROT had “accomplished next to nothing” and that
the previous councils “had taken the wrong path” due to the misguided
zeal of its leaders. In 2004, the remaining knavish persons who still
wanted to do things the old, shady way (in the re-united faction and in
the 3rd “other” faction) were expelled from the movement. The ROT sent
them termination notices, sued them, and won the lawsuit. |
There has been no shortage of
other obstacles for the Republic to overcome along the way, such as an
attempted coup in June 2004: a small group from the “white-male
supremacist” faction, pretending to be visitors, tried to enter the
capitol building (previously a municipal hospital) to assume control.
The takeover did not succeed. Furthermore, the ROT claims that in
October of 2001, they “possibly became one of the first victims in the
United States Government's war against dissident groups on what it
perceives to be it's own soil. The national website was taken down and
our email was totally shut down. Most of the files that we use to
publish the website were deleted.” So if you try to visit their Web-site
and it's not available, you'll know why!
I purchased 3 items from Mr. Savage. To begin with, their Treasury
minted its 1st silver coin “to be used as coinage (money) within the
Republic of Texas.” It is a 1/8th of an ounce Texas Silver piece dated
2003. It has since been discontinued because it did not fall into any
monetary system:
Secondly, “the citizens of the Republic of Texas movement minted their
first silver coin.” |
According to Mike Chapman (mdchapman@cablelynx.com), who happens to be a coin collector for ROT, explains that the ROT
issued a limited series of coins in 1997, the same type were also issued
in 2003, but with different markings. The 1997 coin minted is having
description on one side as "Remember the Alamo. Remember La Bahia (Collad)
T.I. Rusk". |
Another 1 ounce “One R.T. Unit” dated 1999
can been seen at:
That piece was intended solely for collectors; the same goes for their
next coin, a “Remember the Alamo” R.T. Unit, which was minted in 2000.
This coin seems to be no longer available for purchase, but it can still
be seen at:
Then there is the first piece minted by their Treasury “and ordered to
be a coin of the RT monetary system.” It is a 2004 (actually undated)
One Gerah, which corresponds in value to 1/20th of a Texas Shekel (as
well as 1/20th of an ounce of pure silver). To quote Mr. Savage, this
newly adopted “money system was based upon the oldest known system in
history...back to ancient Mesopotamia...It was employed by many
countries and adopted by ancient Israel, too. According to our treasurer
all denominations come out in even divisible numbers — not never-ending
decimals. In the future we may ‘texanize’ what the coins are called, but
they will be based on the same system.” This coin can be
viewed/purchased at the official ROT Web-site:
Another ROT site, probably a relic from one of the contending factions,
http://texasrepublic.org/home.htm and
http://www.texasnationalist.com/. |
In the end, I would like to
thank Erik Victor McCrea for his research, information and for the
historical coin. |
Micro-Nations |
Chiefa Coins |